HTC One M9 gets the gold treatment

HTC One M9 gets the gold treatment


قراءة المزيد

Goldgenie has added yet another high-end smartphone to their portfolio - the HTC One M9. You can now opt for a 24K gold-plated One M9 via Goldgenie's official website.
The luxurious HTC One M9 costs $2,560 (£1580) and you need to place $1,280 (£790) deposit first. Then Goldgenie will cover an HTC One M9 with 24K gold for you, pack it and all of its accessories within a cherry oak wooden box, and ship it to your door.
Note that if you own an HTC One M9 already, there is an option to send your smartphone and get it gold plated and then returned.
Naturally, all 24K Gold HTC One M9 from Goldgenie are covered by lifetime warranty for their gold paintjob. All HTC phones also come with Total Armour Protection.
Goldgenie is based in UK, but it can ship worldwide. So if you've got more money to burn than common sense, this might be your chance.

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